
A Mighty Wind

After their breakup, Mitch went on to record three poorly received solo albums: Cry for Help (containing such singles as "If I Had A Gun" and "Anyone But You"), Songs From A Dark Place, and Calling it Quits. The cover of Calling it Quits, showing Mitch digging his own grave

Here's to the month of October!

Hope your halloween is as good as this guys!

Holy Testical Tuesday - Webcam Girl

This is an amazing video......


Hip Hop Friday - Atmosphere

If you don't have a healthy amount of atmosphere on your ipod / iphone, step your game up and add all the songs you can download. You won't regret it.

These three videos are just a few examples of some of their great stuff. enjoy! hiphopfriday will kick ass again next week!

The ones the front doesn't fall off.

Well, I guess, sometimes the front just isn't supposed to fall off. And the sea is just water, birds, and FISH, and 20 thousand tons of crude on fire.

Oh well, they'll figure it out just yet.

Best part about the weekend: Tropical Storm Kyle is forming. I'm famous.

And to keep it real, a little FOTC:

Good weekend coming up. I can feel it.

Letterman on McCain on the Debate

Meant to post this yesterday but wasn't near a computer. Usually try and leave politics out of the FACEMOUTH but I thought this was hilarious. I bet McCain's breath smells much worse than the shit he's trying throw at us, spotlighting himself on the economy issue this way. I think Letterman's smelt it.


Listen in the Missionary Position - "Dead and Gone" T.I. and Justin Timberlake

This is tribute to Justin Timberlakes recent visit to the greater new beige area. He and his GF must enjoy New England because I saw his GF when I was out to Bfast a month ago in Newport. See sneaky photo snapped below.


Holy Testical Tuesday - Bar Rafaeli

Do you ever sit and wonder what it would be like to be Leonardo Dicaprio's or Kelly Slaters' penis?


Another Way to Die: Theme to James Bond



Here's Jack White's official theme song for the forthcoming James Bond film, featuring accompanied vocals by Alicia Keys. Another super solid track from Mr White that once again confirms that we're all lucky to have a fella in our day who can cut a dark, heavy slamin' rock track whenever needed. White wrote, performed all instruments and produced this number over a weekend while touring with the Raconteurs and only had about 3 hours with Alicia Keys who's also busy on the road. "You're definitely taking on a responsibility — there's a tradition of powerful music in all these films. But that's why I'm involved creatively with music — for challenges like this. That's what I live for." JW to nme


Hurricane Ike; last one standing

last home
Gilchrist, Texas.
This picture got me, I almost thought it was fake but its not. Imagine coming back to your home after being evacuated with the impression that the house is going to be gone. Well this couple Warren and Pam Adams returned and found their home to be the last one standing. Most the area is flattened, roughly 200 homes. The couple's yellow house at the beach is supported 14 feet off the ground by wooden columns was the only house on Gilchrist's Gulf Coast that remains.
I want to know the general contractor that built that home because they should be building the rest of the homes in that area. I'm not sure if the owners benefit coming back and having a house or if they would have rather it been destroyed for insurance reasons. Either way Hurricane Ike did damage, and for people that live below sea level - they are just retarded with exception to Amsterdam.

Hip Hop Friday - "Dear Summer" Stat Quo

Stat can rap.


O'Really Assbag

As we count down the days for the upcoming Presidential election, I highly encourage all of you to reconsider your sources of information. I am sure most of you are wise enough to realize that Fox News is clearly a biased source filtering information to its ignorant viewers while the network boasts its "Fair and Balanced" broadcasting. The video below stars Bill-buttfuckin-O'Reilly where he displays his "fair and balanced" opinions in an absurd manner. As I watched this I became so enraged and I thought that some of you could enjoy this state of anger as much as I did. The clip is from the documentary "Outfoxed" which is worth watching if you enjoy getting pissed off. Chourico!



I'll tell you what is really starting to piss me off! People who feel the need to hit the button and stop traffic in order to cross the street. I understand that some roads are so busy that you have to hit the button in order to make it across alive, but I'm not referring to crosswalks on the Autobahn here. I'm talking about when I'm the only car on the road and some idiot can't just walk across after I've driven by.

If you are under the age of 10, are an adult escorting a child under the age of 8, or perhaps a handicap you are allowed to be paranoid and hit the button. I also feel that I'm being pretty generous here because I've seen some of those wheelchairs and rascals move plenty fast. The worst is when somebody hits the button and walks across during the "DON'T WALK". Then they end up making it to the other side before the "WALK" sign even appears. Come on now people, it is NOT mandatory to hit this button before crossing! This makes me want to jump out of my car and push their wheelchair right over! There is no law in the pedestrian handbook that says you can't cross the street without pissing off all the drivers in a hundred yard radios. I'll tell you right now that 9 out of 10 times you are on foot at one of these crosswalks you can simply stop, wait a moment, and then make your move without having to stop traffic in 8 different directions.

I suggest that everyone start doing what I have when approaching one of these morons and that is to keep up maximum speed and stop at the last possible second. It really adds to the affect if you are honking the horn the entire time. I admit that this isn't going to solve the problem, but for the time being it sure does make me feel better.

Listen in the Missionary Position - "Closer" Kings of Leon



This one goes out to all the readers that live in New England, have lived in New England, or wish they lived in New England, well because, New England is the Shit!

And please, please feel free to pass this bad larry along to all your friends, because, well, lets face it.

New England is the Shit, and everywhere else sucks.

"Elmer Fudd is hatin!"

This is a little long, but it makes a bid for the best NBA interview of all time. All I can say is thank God this man is no longer starting at point guard for the Celts.

A couple of highlights from the interview:

"20 years from now, you gon' be seein' me riding in a drop top hummer, butt naked, with some ankle socks on, and a head band - a Boston Celtics headband - standing up driving from Boston to California! That's what I'm gon' be doing. And some Chuck Taylors - the knee high joints - the ones that come up to here. The little Chuck Taylor style neon green, just butt naked. 60 years old!"

"Bugs Bunny's the smoothest dude I ever met! It just be a normal day and he be chillin'! He just be under the ground, BAM, carrots, Albequerque. Elmer Fudd is hatin! You can't kill a G. Bugs Bunny is a G. I want to be Bugs Bunny. I would pay to be Bugs Bunny for one day."

I would like to direct all of you to the top 50 quotes of Charles Barkley, perhaps the most brutally honest and unintentionally whitty athletes of all time. A few random samples to brighten up your day... (but every single one made me laugh)

"When I was recruited at Auburn [university], they took me to a strip joint. When I saw those titties on Buffy, I knew that Auburn met my academic requirements."

On Jerry Krause still being able to keep his job as GM of the Chicago Bulls: "Jerry Krause must have pictures of his boss's wife having sex with a monkey."

While watching someone in Australia put $1 million worth of rubies on a table: "Damn, must not be any black folks in Australia. You can't just leave $1 million worth of jewelry lying around the 'hood."

Charles Barkley after seeing a picture of Sam Cassell on the screen: "Phone home." And later he remarks to Kenny, "Sam Cassell is a good guy, but he's not going to wind up on the cover of GQ anytime soon."


Palin Round 2

"Gov. Sarah Palin lives by the maxim that all politics is local, not to mention personal.

So when there was a vacancy at the top of the State Division of Agriculture, she appointed a high school classmate, Franci Havemeister, to the $95,000-a-year directorship. A former real estate agent, Ms. Havemeister cited her childhood love of cows as a qualification for running the roughly $2 million agency."

Thus begins an article entitled "Once elected, Palin hired friends and lashed out at foes" which ran in the Times this past weekend. Apologies for getting back to politics on the blog, but the more I read about this woman the more shocked and disturbed I become. The article is rather long, but I strongly urge all to read it. I'll keep my commentary brief... While you may not be a heavy Obama supporter (and perhaps even a Mccain advocate) you have to question the judgement of a man and party willing to choose this underqualified, irrational, and backward woman as a vice presidential candidate solely for her ability to turn the national spotlight to the right. Article below...


Holy Testical Tuesday - Lindsay Lohan


Decent Community

Check out this online toy it is pretty trippy. http://www.zefrank.com/byokal/kal2.html

I got this from my buddies' site...Decent Community. http://decentcommunity.org/
The creators are solid like minded dudes that are also MA Southcoasters. They write some real funny shit...check it out.

Iraqi Gangsta


Zombie kid likes turtles


If you have not already seen it, please check out the Palin interview on ABC (which I cannot embed) - this nutjob not only lacks experience, education, and intelligence in regards to matters of international policy, she also seems to represent the epitome of all domestic social and political factions whose existence I am baffled and disturbed by.



Hip Hop Friday - "San Francisco Knights" People Under the Stairs


Karate Baby

saw this on America's Funniest Videos last night and got a good laugh out of it.


Cats are crazy.

The grass is always greener on the side!

It's important in life to reach out, to strive for greater achievements, to go for that greener grass that is on the other side of the fence...

Sam Champion, LIKE A SECRET video


Check out Sam Champion's video for LIKE A SECRET.
Sorry, can't link the video directly to this blog. AOL's got it lock and chained.



If you guys are confused about the new Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Gates commercial, here is a taste of what they are talking about. Even though these dudes aren't very hip to it, the Vectorform is going to be huge. They'll probably drop these into countertops, coffee tables, floors, etc.

Pavement Art


CBS "Sunday Morning" Program did a story on this guy.)His name is Julian Bever (not sure of the spelling). He uses CHALK. He said he doesn't care that his tremendous works of art eventually fade or are washed away by the rain, as long as he gets the PHOTOGRAPHS of them to put out on the internet for the WORLD to see, and enjoy. He just gets BETTER every time I see a NEW WORK of his ART. Marvel & Enjoy:

I must say that this is pretty awesome. This guy does this with chalk. Has anyone seen this in person? I bet its pretty cool. Talented he is.

What do you say after a loss like this? Frank would know!

Bulgaria gives up 139 shots on goal in 82-0 women's hockey loss (ESPN)

There's the "agony of defeat." And then there's this women's ice hockey score from the European Olympic pre-qualifying tournament: Slovakia 82, Bulgaria 0.

That's correct: eighty-two goals for Slovakia, none for Bulgaria.

The International Ice Hockey Federation confirmed the result, at the tournament in Liepaja, Latvia, set a record score for a women's IIHF-sanctioned event. It was not the all-time record for futility, however; that is still held by Thailand, which lost 92-0 to South Korea in the 1998 Asia-Oceania U18 Championship.

Slovakia, which won all four of its games at the tournament, outshot Bulgaria 139-0, scoring on 58.9 percent of their shots on goal. They averaged one goal every 44 seconds.

Bulgaria trailed 7-0 after 5 minutes, 19-0 after 10 and 31-0 at the end of the first period.

The drubbing capped a woeful showing for the Bulgarian women, who also lost 30-1 to Croatia and 41-0 to Italy in earlier games.

When I read this, I felt bad, not only because it is women's hockey, which shouldn't exist, but the fact that this team lost a game by 139 goals! This would cause some serious pyschological problems to anyone. This is more than just a kick in the ass. I am sure that some of us have been beaten pretty bad in an athletic competition, DHS vs Stang comes to mind, but not like this. Say a prayer for the Bulgarian National Women's Hockey Team, their pride is shot to shit!

Holy Testical Tuesday - Marissa Miller

Kids Get Pounded By Massive Waves - Watch more free videos



Yep, thats the new leader of the formerly great New England Patriots...

Requiem for a season, Part I

Does anybody else feel like Bob Ueker in "Major League" today, the part when he slumps over onto his broadcast desk? I mean, i haven't been this hopelessly depressed about my home team since i saw Paul Pierce carried off the court in agony in Game 1 of the NBA finals . The difference here is that unlike the miraculous return that played out with Pierce, complete with triumphant horns and white doves as he emerged from the tunnel....we won't be seeing Awesome Tom for a long, long...long time.

I think i'll crap my pants now, who fucking cares anymore.

Listen in the Missionary Position - "Rock Steady" by No Doubt



Gillette Stadium just set a record for the largest collective utterance of the word "Fuck."


May the Pats be with You

To all of you out there who's "new-season" boner is as triumphant as mine...

May the Pats be with you.


It's the WEEKEND!!!!!

You gotta be smilin, you gotta be dancing, you gotta be shakin that ass...

Elephant kicks heroin habit

BEIJING - A once drug-addled elephant fed heroin-laced bananas by illegal traders will return home after emerging clean from a three-year detox program on China's tropical island province of Hainan.

This video shows what happens when they experiance withdrawals.

Actual Story

Hip Hop Friday - "Stay on Your Level" Charles Hamilton

One of the hottest new MC's out - with mr. pete rock on the beats.


Bring It, Hanna!

"Tropical Storm Hanna is expected to churn up the Atlantic coast and lash Eastern Massachusetts this weekend with 40 mph winds and up to three inches of rain....

"'They are still playing with the track, but the trend has been coming right over on top of us.'" said Charley Foley, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Taunton.

There is, however, some good news. As Hannah moves north, it is expected to morph from a tropical storm into an extra-tropical storm. That technical change means that the center of the swirl of clouds will cool, causing the storm to lose some of it's punch."

Extratropical? 40 Mph winds? What the crap is that all about. I mean, here i was getting my hopes up for 'el huracan' and up from the south comes this weakling. Under normal circumstances, i don't like challenging Mother Nature to a pissing contest, but enough is enough. We haven't had a legit hurricane since Bob. 17 years it's been. So much for that. 


Does this cop not notice that he is standing in the middle of a fucking parking lot. Is there really a need to tape out yet another straight line? And since when does the driver have to help the police set up the sobriety test. "I need you to help me out." What a coincidence buddy because I'm going to need your help not to break my face! Plus I think this guy is unraveling duck tape which we all know can be a difficult task. Then once the guy falls the officer shows no remorse. That's because he set this poor guy up for a fall, literally!

Lion Mutilates 42 Midgets in Cambodian Ring-Fight

"Spectators cheered as entire Cambodian Midget Fighting League squared off against African Lion

Tickets had been sold-out three weeks before the much anticipated fight, which took place in the city of Kâmpóng Chhnãng.

The fight was slated when an angry fan contested Yang Sihamoni, President of the CMFL, claiming that one lion could defeat his entire league of 42 fighters.

Sihamoni takes great pride in the league he helped create, as was conveyed in his recent advertising campaign for the CMFL that stated his midgets will "... take on anything; man, beast, or machine."

This campaign is believed to be what sparked the undisclosed fan to challenge the entire league to fight a lion; a challenge that Sihamoni readily accepted.

An African Lion (Panthera Leo) was shipped to centrally located Kâmpóng Chhnãng especially for the event, which took place last Saturday, April 30, 2005 in the city’s coliseum.

The Cambodian Government allowed the fight to take place, under the condition that they receive a 50% commission on each ticket sold, and that no cameras would be allowed in the arena.

The fight was called in only 12 minutes, after which 28 fighters were declared dead, while the other 14 suffered severe injuries including broken bones and lost limbs, rendering them unable to fight back.

Sihamoni was quoted before the fight stating that he felt since his fighters out-numbered the lion 42 to 1, that they “… could out-wit and out-muscle [it].”

Unfortunately, he was wrong." BBC.com

Thanks to Bluey for this rediculous article.


Dubai.... How sick are they

So we all know how rediculous Dubai is. Today they announced that their already tallest building in the world is going to get even taller, boasting 160 stories. Approx 2,953 feet in Sept 09 is the publics guessing final height, thats crazy big.

This rotating building that is being constructed blows my mind. Its plan to be completed in 2009 as well. Dubai is just blowing my mind, the amount of wealth and power, it seems like a place of the future. Take a minute and check out all the crazy shit going on out there.


Sam Champion's new album, HEAVENLY BENDER is out now at all stores virtual and real. Buy it. Tell your friends to buy it. Tell your family to buy it. Tell your foes to buy it.

Listen in the Missionary Position - "Sex on Fire" By Kings of Leon


Guitar Tone from Hell

Been on my usual "delta blues" tear these past few days, and came across this little gem of Derek Trucks slaying his SG on some kind of radio promo with his wife, Susan Tedeschi.

Which made me think, if i was ever married to a chick who could sing the blues like she does, it would scare the hell out of me. I mean, how do you win an argument against someone who sounds like that?? Sorry buddy, but clearly your woman has the upper hand...

Listen in the Missionary Position - "Your Voice" by Santogold

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