

I'll tell you what is really starting to piss me off! People who feel the need to hit the button and stop traffic in order to cross the street. I understand that some roads are so busy that you have to hit the button in order to make it across alive, but I'm not referring to crosswalks on the Autobahn here. I'm talking about when I'm the only car on the road and some idiot can't just walk across after I've driven by.

If you are under the age of 10, are an adult escorting a child under the age of 8, or perhaps a handicap you are allowed to be paranoid and hit the button. I also feel that I'm being pretty generous here because I've seen some of those wheelchairs and rascals move plenty fast. The worst is when somebody hits the button and walks across during the "DON'T WALK". Then they end up making it to the other side before the "WALK" sign even appears. Come on now people, it is NOT mandatory to hit this button before crossing! This makes me want to jump out of my car and push their wheelchair right over! There is no law in the pedestrian handbook that says you can't cross the street without pissing off all the drivers in a hundred yard radios. I'll tell you right now that 9 out of 10 times you are on foot at one of these crosswalks you can simply stop, wait a moment, and then make your move without having to stop traffic in 8 different directions.

I suggest that everyone start doing what I have when approaching one of these morons and that is to keep up maximum speed and stop at the last possible second. It really adds to the affect if you are honking the horn the entire time. I admit that this isn't going to solve the problem, but for the time being it sure does make me feel better.

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