
Hurricane Ike; last one standing

last home
Gilchrist, Texas.
This picture got me, I almost thought it was fake but its not. Imagine coming back to your home after being evacuated with the impression that the house is going to be gone. Well this couple Warren and Pam Adams returned and found their home to be the last one standing. Most the area is flattened, roughly 200 homes. The couple's yellow house at the beach is supported 14 feet off the ground by wooden columns was the only house on Gilchrist's Gulf Coast that remains.
I want to know the general contractor that built that home because they should be building the rest of the homes in that area. I'm not sure if the owners benefit coming back and having a house or if they would have rather it been destroyed for insurance reasons. Either way Hurricane Ike did damage, and for people that live below sea level - they are just retarded with exception to Amsterdam.

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