
"Elmer Fudd is hatin!"

This is a little long, but it makes a bid for the best NBA interview of all time. All I can say is thank God this man is no longer starting at point guard for the Celts.

A couple of highlights from the interview:

"20 years from now, you gon' be seein' me riding in a drop top hummer, butt naked, with some ankle socks on, and a head band - a Boston Celtics headband - standing up driving from Boston to California! That's what I'm gon' be doing. And some Chuck Taylors - the knee high joints - the ones that come up to here. The little Chuck Taylor style neon green, just butt naked. 60 years old!"

"Bugs Bunny's the smoothest dude I ever met! It just be a normal day and he be chillin'! He just be under the ground, BAM, carrots, Albequerque. Elmer Fudd is hatin! You can't kill a G. Bugs Bunny is a G. I want to be Bugs Bunny. I would pay to be Bugs Bunny for one day."

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