

whatever you do tonight, wherever you party, whomever you're with...

may your New Year's be brighter than Lt. Dan's.

Its a celebration

i just handed in an enormous term paper not more than 3 minutes ago. Its vacation. Its New Years Eve. My gear is so freshhh. Its a celebration.


Holy Testicle Tuesday - Alexis Lopez

Pole Dancing Championships

Needless to say... The talent level is higher than Foxy Lady Southcoast....

1100 Pounds of Force to the Nuts

Tubing is a dangerous sport

Another busy day of newsreporting in Canada. This poor guy gets drilled.

Drunkest Guy Ever

I have seen some very drunk people, but this guy takes the cake for drunkest guy ever. The best part is that it happened at 10am. There are several versions on YouTube, but I like the heavy metal sped up edition. I recommend watching it in real time too. Happy NYE Facemouth contributors and followers! Have a grand ole' time just don't be this guy.


Moss, baby

this was pretty wild. far and away the best fan, player interaction i've witnessed. The cameraman returned to this guy throughout the game, until Randy finally noticed.

fast forward to about 2:10 mark.


Last Minute Shopping? Hey, Thats My Parking Spot!!

If you are someboady like me you have waited again to finish your holiday shopping this year. The malls are packed with crazy people trying to do more things than they have time. When driving around or looking for a parking spot, take the upper hand this year and wave people on, sit at that stop sign a little longer and be patient or pay the price.

Springfield, Mo - Caitlen S. Watkins, an 18-year-old Springfield teen was arrested after she stabbed a man several times in the chest with an icepick over a disputed parking space. According to Springfield police, the victim, 29-year-old Lonnie Sowersby, pulled into a parking space and began to walk into a Springfield Chili’s Restaurant Sunday when two people in another car began a verbal confrontation with him - claiming he had cut them off and had stolen their parking place.

When Sowersby walked by the vehicle, the driver grabbed his sleeve, preventing him from moving away from the car. That’s when Watkins reportedly got out of the car, walked up behind him and then stabbed him repeatedly with an ice pick. Investigators say Sowersby punched Watkins in the face knocking her to the ground, however she reportedly got back up and began repeatedly stabbing him again with the icepick. Tough bitch.

Sowersby was taken to a local hospital, where he was treated for six stab wounds to his body and a punctured kidney. He has since been released. Witnesses provided a vehicle description and licensed plate number, allowing police to track down Watkins - who later confessed to the stabbing.

She was booked into the Greene County Jail on charges of first-degree assault and armed criminal action. Her bail was set at $75,000.

Watkins myspace profile


Hip Hop Friday - "Drop the Bomb on Em" by Eminem

Listen in the Missionary Position - "Strobe" by Deadmau5

If you aren't particularly into electronic music, you might not be particularly into this track. But if you are, it's particularly impressive.

Latest single off "Moody Christmas"...

You know Sheffield and Payton and Cooper and Coleman
Busey and Sinise and Player and Oldman....
But do you recallllll, the most famous Gary....of allll...

Gary the drug store owner
Had a very strange lifestyle.
He would sit inside toilets
with a creepy Moody smile.
All of the toilet users
used to crap and pee on him.
They never let poor Gary
enjoy his daily crap filled swim.
Then one humid summer day
A little girl came to say...
Gary with your eyes so bright
guess who's going to jail tonight.
Then all the police came running,
washed away the crap and pee.
Gary the drug store ownder
you'll go down in historyyyyyyyy!

Smokin' Butts - Round 2


Sidecans, Happy Friday

Sidecans from Canada.

12 Days of Christmas - Moody style

Welp, it's that time of year again. Gary Moody is back ladies and gentlemen and while there are many hits off his 2009 album "Moody Christmas", here is his first single - "The 12 days of Christmas - Moody style"....

On the 12th day of Christmas my Gary gave to me -
12 guica omelettes
11 soft shell tacos
10 steak fajitas
9 bonless buff wings
8 chicken nuggets
7 shots of pepto
6 cups of coffee
4 rolls of TP
3 hemroids
2 magazines

Gary Moody "The Man in the Can"

This is a true story.

A fourteen-year-old girl enters a U.S. Forest Service outhouse in Albany, New Hampshire. She is about to poop -- but before she does, she hears a noise. It's coming from within the deep, dark pit below. What could it be? Is it a rat? She peers closer... and sees the face of Gary Moody, 45, a convenience store owner from Maine. Mr. Moody, in the toilet tank of the outhouse, swimming in the shit of countless female hikers, waiting for some unsuspecting hiker to come along and poop on him.

If you don't already love the Saints, learn to...

The link is to a long but worthy article:

Hip Hop Fridays - ODB Reunited

R.I.P. Dirt Dog, Big Baby Jesus, Ol Dirty Bastard, Russell Jones, Dirt McGirt, Osirus and many many more...


I am no car nut, but this thing is ridiculous. Tops out at 250 mph. Road head in a Bugatti would be the ultimate. The first half of the clip talks about the vehicle specs and at abotu 3:30 they get into the road test.


I was in goddamn Nirvana

I don't know why. Maybe its the holidays. Maybe its the boredom of wednesday. but suddenly my instinct tells me to launch into a mini alcohol bender and see what happens.

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