
Where do YOU draw the line?

Take a look at this old bag, who thinks that tanning until you shrivel up like a prune is somehow a good idea. This woman clearly needs about a gallon of aloe to keep that rawhide of hers from flaking off, but she also needs help...she is a tanaholic. Tanaholism is a disease and it impacts millions of people in many shapes and forms. Some tanaholics get their fix at the tanning salon and others experiment with fake tanning applications, like "Tan in a Tube."
Girls in the age range of 13-18 years will typically fall victim to "Tan in a Tube," and it may seem innocent or harmless, but beware in many cases is the first sign of a tanaholic. If you happen to have a loved one that is showing signs of tanaholism please show them the picture of Old Leather and her wrinkled no-fun bags to hopefully snap them out of it before the addiction goes full blown.
Tanaholism is not only a disease affecting women, increasingly more and more men are becoming addicts. Take a look at this D-Bag, Peter Andre, who is apparently an Australian entertainer, that soaks in Coke for a perma-tan.
http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2006/10/05/1159641431948.html?from=top5 . Here is a piece from the article, "It's not just your teeth that turn brown ... Australian entertainer Peter Andre maintains his perma-tan by smothering himself in Coca-Cola before sunbathing, his wife Jordan has revealed." I hate this guy because I first and foremost want to ravage his wife, but what kind of guy takes the time to bath in Coco-Cola to work on his tan? Yes, that would be a D-bag. If this bronzing methodology hits the streets in the greater New Bedford area I am buying stock in Coke. Or, maybe just open a Coca-Cola bathing salon. Don't get me wrong I love to be tan...I mean I am Mario Tancock, and yes I may be a tanaholic in denial, but at least I stick to the cosmic rays of the sun and apply a generous dose of 4 SPF. The natural tan or burn is the way to go. I love my white ass friends that don't apply sunblock during their first visit to the beach to.....get their "base" so that they won't burn the rest of the summer. I respect the shit out of you assholes.

There are other tanaholics that I truly respect. This would be the tanaholic that has progressed to a level of addiction that is irreversable, but who is also aware of their disease and who embrace their sickness. These fine men take their tanning seriously and usually spend half the year in Florida to maintain euphoric levels of sun intake. Will they die of skin cancer? Probably, but as long as they are happy, chillin' at the beach, and soaking in the sun with views of younger women in bikinis they are cool with me. The next time you see a guy like this at the beach, give him a head node and a lil' respect...he is slowly dying, but he is doing it on his terms and he is in it to win it as the tannest guy at the beach.


How to Fold a Shirt

On the age-old preference question of whether it's a great ass, or a sweet pair of cans...I can say without a doubt that i'm a Can-Man.

So is it weird that i truly admired her shirt folding technique?

SFW (sort of)

Dr Dre's Son Found Dead

"The Los Angeles County Coroner reported today that the son of Dr. Dre has died. Andre Young Jr. was found dead at his home in Woodland Hills on Saturday morning.

Young was out the previous night and returned home around 5:30 A.M., according to Assistant Chief Ed Winter. His mother went to check on him in his bedroom around 10 A.M., found him unresponsive, and called 911. He was 20 years of age.

The cause of death is pending completion of a toxicology report." - hiphopgame.com

Horrible news.....


I was born and raised in Massachusetts therefore I’m naturally an outstanding driver! Unfortunately this is not true for everyone. This is the first complaint of many that I will be writing about.
Have you ever been sitting in traffic thinking that there is one asshole that is causing the whole thing. Like when the fast lane comes to a complete stop and the lanes to the right are still flying by. That’s because some jerk realized that he was going to miss his exit so he put his blinker on and came to a stop in the middle of the highway. Obviously because the other lanes are traveling at 55+ it is virtually impossible for him to make a move so he just sits there. Very similar to the guy who comes to a stop at the end of an onramp and then tries to dart out into the highway. If you’re going to miss your exit do what I do… Stay at a reasonable speed and work your way to the breakdown lane. You then put your car in reverse and back up to your exit ramp. But seriously you can’t just stop your vehicle in the middle of the highway or any other road for that matter.

Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Can't wait to see this. Think this just about nails a topic addressed at the bottom of this blog. Gorgeous.

You think the cops can catch my man? Forget about it!

Shit Blizzard

Today's shit analogy


Can of whip ass!

"Think anybody wants a roundhouse kick to the face while I'm wearing these bad boys? Forget about it!"

All Dead, All Dead

QUEEN. Been on a huge Queen kick lately and can't stop listening to this track. 'News of the World' is a real great album. Can't believe they're pulling off this Ratatat-esque harmonized guitar groove way back then. There's little this band was incapable of.


Radiohead covering Neil Young

'Tell Me Why.' Super sweet cover on this segway. I think Thom Yorke stole Big A's guitar tho! I didn't realize Neil Young and Thom Yorke's voices were so similar. I wonder if Neil Young's ever covered "Spinning Plates." He should

Listen in the Missionary Position - Brazilian Girls - St. Petersburg

This is the first post in my series of posts referred to as "Listen in the missionary postion." These posts will have new music that kicks ass. I suggest you listen and expand your horizions!


A case of the Mondays....


Rock Bottom

Whoever said that hard work adds meaning and purpose to life clearly never went to law school. Now, if you'll excuse me, i'm going to drink some Clorox out the library supply closet. 



the real High diving.

Man, 172 feet - that's 17 stories. Any guy that can grease up his nose that good must have a smooth entry. I wonder how many braunsons he crushes afterwards to deal with the pain of jumping 17 stories into a quarry.

Balls of steel - Dane Kunze should be renamed Sparky.

Meet your Newest Celtic - Darius Miles

Darius Miles:

"Yeah, you probably smelled liquor on me before. But it’s not like I’m at practice drunk. I’m totally focused. I don't care if you come to practice and take shower, once you go to practice and start sweating, its going to come out. That doesn't mean you aren’t focused or ready to practice. Like you might go out, you might get drunk, and come to the gym higher than a mother, and you sweating, you smell like liquor, and you interviewing everybody. What does that mean? You still 100 percent focused. That's just ridiculous. Ask any other team, little petty stuff like that, if you ask any other coach in the NBA if they smell liquor on a player, any coach would say, every year. Some players go out in every city they go to. ...

Look at this season: I’m your franchise player, what is a Darius Miles bobble head like? Didn’t have one. And every time they had those little things with players talking on big screen, you ain’t never see me saying nothing on that do you?

It’s like you are telling me I’m this franchise player, but hey … once I noticed it, and I was like dang, I don’t have no bobble head? They tried to get me one at the last minute, and I was like, ‘No, I’m fine.’"

I am hysterically laughing in my office right now... another suggestion from a soon to be contributor
See more funny videos at Funny or Die

So I have invited a few more individuals to join and am trying to get them set up as administrators - in the meantime one of them asked me to post his first contribution - anyone who is familiar with Arrested Development will love this - if your not familiar with it I suggest you stop whatever you may be doing presently and catch up with one of the best shows ever

Step Brothers

Check out Steve Nash's floor humps - very similar to a creepy Asian man who you used to hump the ground at CBC with 10 year-old children looking on in astonishment - also evidence as to why Steve Nash might be the coolest man on the planet


Tired, Hungover, and My Farts Stink

This photo describes how I feel this morning


Weezer is Coming, Hooray!! To, umm.....Lowell

I'm a little puzzled by Weezer's choice of venue on this one, granted i've never been to the Tsongas Arena before. But i have been to Lowell, and aside from producing Jack Kerouac and some notable textiles...let's just leave it at that.

But if you think i won't be there to see a revitalized Weezer rock my fucking socks off, you're dead wrong...

Become an official Fan of THE FACE MOUTH


Follow the link above to become an official fan of THE FACE MOUTH on facebook - Spread the word big bird tird.
Sam Champion is releasing an album called Heavenly Bender on September 2nd. There's a bunch of videos made to accompany the album... This is Part 1 of the commercial series.

Fan up: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sam-Champion/15980753035
Or Friend: www.myspace.com/samchampion

Jimmy the Cab Driver

Remember Jimmy the Cab driver? He's Back!!! I've been wondering what happened to this dude and found a pile of all the old MTV stuff and also ran into this newer clip about George Bush. I can't get enough of this charecter even tho everything else Donal Logue has done, besides Jimmy McBride, has been lame. Check out the Zeppelin unplugged promo also http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZoSBwgdG6c&feature=related


Give me a Keg of Beer

In the spirit of Thriller, i feel this teen wolf clip needs some playtime...

thriller - michael jackson

Thriller is so badass I couldn't figure out how to embed a youtube video into this post.... it wouldn't let me...

so all you get is this url link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtyJbIOZjS8

oh yeah, and.... I think I smell a huge costume party this halloween.....

Shit Hawks

Today's Shit Analogy. Just ignore the annoying subtitles.

Do you know who this is?

This is for all you Celtics fans out there. CELTIC PRIDE!

The back down is impossible to stop!

Fastest Man Alive!

I hope people have had a chance to watch this guy run, he is like his name, a lightning bolt! I am kind of sick of Micheal Phelps and his mangled teeth, this guy is way cooler anyways. I used to be this fast back in the day, ya'll know it!

Ken Read of PUMA Ocean Racing talks about sailing a 70 foot boat around the world

Ken Read on WBCN

Ken Read, the skipper of the boat that looks like a shoe and can reach speeds of 45 mph, talks to boston radio about the Volvo Ocean Race.

No videos kids, sorry, this is audio only. Still interesting to listen to.

Ken Read, a fellow BU alum, and way more bad ass sailor than I will be skippering a 70 foot boat around the world in search of fame, glory and bragging rights.

I think anyone that sails views competing in the Volvo Ocean Race as one of the pinnacles of the sport. I am no exception and would give lots of things to be able to be a part of this race, even in the least.

PUMA also gets a big shout for throwing so much money into the sport of Sailing, and really attempting to get more and more people interested. www.pumaoceanracing.com

The VOR will be stopping in Boston at some point in May, and you better believe for that 2 week celebration I'm going to be taking my full hour lunch down at fan pier rubbing elbows with some of the most BAMFing sailors in the world.



Shit Moths

Introducing "Today's Shit Analogy," a daily exclusive on the Facemouth featuring a personal role model of mine, Mr. Jim Lahey. 

Kite Boarder Loses, Big-time

As a lover of action sports, this clip makes me question a few things. As unintelligent as surfing a soon-to-be category two cane might be, aren't these kites equipped with release mechanisms, for just such an occasion?? 

Just goes to show that whatever the risk, whether it be pulling-out or kite surfing a hurricane, it's all about the reaction time. 

Is this real? Who knows? This could be the real thing or it could also be some redneck who drank a little too much Budweiser. They are calling it a "juvenlie sasquatch", ha, real creative. If you believe that BIGFOOT exists, may god have mercy on your soul.

Somebody had a case of the Mondays

Friends, Compatriots, lend me your keyboards.

Watch me unleash fury and unbridled rage on my coworkers for being saddled with unnecessary TPS reports.

"No Man, shit no, I believe you get your ass kicked for saying something like that"


Caillou . .

Ok, so this thing's interesting. It's almost as if a canoe and a sunfish did it dirty and by some miracle had a baby that was both a canoe and sail dinghy. Seems like getting down with one of these Caillou things might be tough to manage (no boom, chaotic tacking/jibing etc) but, this dude sailing it here obviously rocks! Caillou also comes with an optional double boat bike dolly.

Chopper Fishing

Helicopter Fishing - Coolest Sport Ever - Watch more free videos



Well, social commentary # 1 here...give the world the next best thing, and they'll blow you like the wind does Kansas. No kidding. Chances are, as i type this there's a merger in the works between the agents of Michael Phelps and about a dozen A-List hot chicks looking to ramp-up their public image. And by merger, i mean Mike's about to get laaaiiid. I'm pretty sure that's how it works in Hollywood.
But somewhere in this giant global ball-washing for our countries' newest phenom, there's an important message: Invest your kids in the most outrageous shit (like swimming), because you never know what will pay off. Chris Pinault swears on grooming his kid to be an NFL punter. I think there's something to that...


Paul Gilbert - Insane Metal Guitar!

Womens Beach Vollyball


F#CK YEAH - Scientists say they're closer to invisibility material

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Scientists say they are a step closer to developing materials that could render people and objects invisible.

Researchers have demonstrated for the first time they were able to cloak three-dimensional objects using artificially engineered materials that redirect light around the objects.

Previously, they only have been able to cloak very thin two-dimensional objects.

The findings, by scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, are to be released later this week in the journals Nature and Science.

The new work moves scientists a step closer to hiding people and objects from visible light, which could have broad applications, including military ones.

People can see objects because they scatter the light that strikes them, reflecting some of it back to the eye.

Cloaking uses materials, known as metamaterials, to deflect radar, light or other waves around an object.

Metamaterials are mixtures of metal and circuit board materials such as ceramic, Teflon or fibre composite.

SACO River Comedy


Everything I know I learned from Dumb and Dumber

Life is a fragile thing, Har. One minute you're chewin' on a burger, the next minute you're dead meat.

Thoughts on the Manny Trade

I asked several people what one is to do when their favorite player gets traded off their favorite baseball team. The responses ranged from "start crying," or "get drunk." I chose the latter of the two, and I realized that Manny is still my favorite baseball player regardless of what uniform he wears.

I'm not sure whether or not it was a smart business move to trade Manny, we'll have to see how Jason Bay pans out, but I do know that I feel insanely lucky to have had the chance to watch a sure-in hall-a-famer win two World Series for the Red Sox.

Needless to say my No. 99 Dodgers Jersey is on order.

Listen in the Missionary Position - Nas - "What it is"

Super Duper Dope


I know. I've been struggling to post new material. But, at least I have an excuse, I was busy with my sister getting married and a debaucheries-filled trip (to say the least) to the Saco River in Maine.

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