

I was born and raised in Massachusetts therefore I’m naturally an outstanding driver! Unfortunately this is not true for everyone. This is the first complaint of many that I will be writing about.
Have you ever been sitting in traffic thinking that there is one asshole that is causing the whole thing. Like when the fast lane comes to a complete stop and the lanes to the right are still flying by. That’s because some jerk realized that he was going to miss his exit so he put his blinker on and came to a stop in the middle of the highway. Obviously because the other lanes are traveling at 55+ it is virtually impossible for him to make a move so he just sits there. Very similar to the guy who comes to a stop at the end of an onramp and then tries to dart out into the highway. If you’re going to miss your exit do what I do… Stay at a reasonable speed and work your way to the breakdown lane. You then put your car in reverse and back up to your exit ramp. But seriously you can’t just stop your vehicle in the middle of the highway or any other road for that matter.

1 comment:

  1. I would say your just as much of an asshole if you are backing up in the breakdown lane because you missed an exit. Just take the next exit and head back.

    btw, I can't stand when traffic is a stop in the high speed lane too.


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