
Naughty Teachers

Oxford Township, MI. – Michelle Simonson, a 28 year old former special education teacher at Sashabaw Middle School, has been arrested after she allegedly sent a topless photo and numerous sexually explicit messages to a student.

According to the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office, Simonson sent over 50 sexually explicit messages during the last school year to a 14 year old special needs student that was in her class. Among the photos was a topless picture of herself.

The victim told police that she asked him to meet her outside of school once, but that he said no. The boy became uncomfortable with the messages and asked her to stop. The victim’s foster parent alerted authorities to the messages and the topless photo.

Simonson has admitted to sending the messages, telling deputies that she just wanted to help the boy be a better student, and that “it got out of hand.” Simonson and the student have both said they never had sex or direct conversations about sex.

Simonson, who is married, has waived preliminary hearings and will be going straight to trial on the charges.

Simonson was booked into jail on charges of enticing a minor for immoral purposes and distributing sexually explicit material to a minor. She was later freed on bond of $1,500.


Hot Pocket

I'll be the first one to admit that I've put up some stuff on this blog from the TV show Tosh.0

Most of the stuff is just to funny not to spread to the readers of facemouth.

Dog Humps Grandma

Hasslehoff Drunk

I know this is an old video, but if you watch at around the 1:20 mark, there is a piece of lettuce hanging from his mouth that is worth watching again.


There is no words to describe the weirdness of this.

Bruno Kammerl takes on the MEGAWOOSH

when are we going to take advantage of modern technology...the places we'll go...

Throwing Babies



Naughty Teachers

The amount of teachers having sex with students is overwhelming. So much so that I think I will make it a point to post one a week, if I remember. As long as the teacher is hot then I would give these kids a high five. I can remember at least one teacher at DHS I would have done.

Wall, New Jersey - Brandi E. Shroyer, a 30-year-old teacher's aid at Rugby High School at Woodfield has been indicted on charges of having sex with a male student.

According to court documents, the alleged sexual relationship came to light when a school bus driver overheard children talking about sexual activity that was occurring between Shroyer and the student.

Details about the student's age has not been released and authorities have not established where the alleged assault occurred. Shroyer was arrested at her home in Spring Lake Heights on June 12. She was subsequently placed on unpaid leave by the school when the allegations broke.

She was booked into jail on charges of sexual assault and endangering the welfare of a child, according to the indictment. She was released after posting a $100,000 bond.


Faces of Meth

Ever take a good look at before and afters of crystal meth addicts? If you ever thought of trying meth these pictures will change your mind.

Click on the title of this post to see more or just google it like I did.

If this guy would just smile, I'd say his after picture isn't so bad. Beards are cool and who can blame him for the bed head.

Man dupes Florida women into changing his diapers for three months

Melbourne, Florida - Janet Schulte, a Melbourne, Florida woman has filed a complaint with Florida authorities claiming she was duped into changing an adult male's diapers for three months believing he was mentally disabled. She later discovered he didn't have a disability at all.

"I consented to change his diapers, but I legitimately thought this man needed help," said Schulte. "How can that not be a crime for him to come into my house and expose himself?"

According to Schulte, the ruse began when she placed an ad on Craigslist offering child care services. That's when a man reportedly called, asking if she knew any special needs caregivers. Schulte says the man explained that her brother had been injured in a car accident and suffered from physical and mental disabilities - including weak arms, bladder control problems and the mental capacity of a child. He then reportedly offered her $600 a month to care for his brother.

Schulte told the Brevard County Sheriff's office she cared for the man for three months - changing his diapers, massaging his head and bottle feeding him at her home. She later discovered the man and brother were the same person after her husband became suspicious and followed him away from their home where he was seen getting into a vehicle and driving away.

Schulte took her complaint to Brevard County deputies who took the case to prosecutors. Prosecutors refused to pursue charges, saying Schulte was paid for services she agreed to provide. When deputies questioned the man, he reportedly admitted to the scam but claimed he was suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome.

Btw, that picture is not the actual person but its pretty funny thou...

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