
Having a rough week? Is the shitty wet weather putting a damper on your summer? Well good ol' uncle draculaballs may have a little something to brighten things up. Enjoy some of these refreshing videos.

#1 get a load of crispin glover aka george mcfly. something not quite right with him. maybe too much acid. not too sure, perhaps you can figure it out.

#2 also starring crispin glover and once again i think there's something off.

#3 no explanation necessary

#4 this little guy is the cats pajamas. i now know where crazy legs originated.

after watching the video i wondered what they were talking about once the lady left the room. it probably went something like this:
"what a fucking bitch"
"tell me about it bra, i was just getting warmed up"
"you have some fly dance moves little man. how would you like a toke of this stank doob i got ova hea?"


Sean Bones album RINGS out now!!

Easy Steppin

Our reggae album officially releases today. We're very happy with it and urge everyone to buy it on iTunes or any online music store right now. I promise it's worth it and will change your life.

Easy Snappin'

Minors in RI can be strippers

Just when you thought the strip clubs in Providence, RI couldn't get any better....



Swedish Mans Bike Ride Turns Into Heavy Petting

Police in central Sweden are on the hunt for a gang of tattooed women who sexually molested a 50-year-old man as he was riding by on his bicycle.

The incident took place around 9pm on July 8th as the man was cycling down Vintergatan in central Örebro, the Aftonbladet newspaper reports.

Suddenly, someone grabbed hold of the rack on the back of the man's bike, causing him to fall to the ground. "The girls ran up to him and pulled the bicycle down so he fell," Örebro police spokesperson Annika Haaster told the newspaper. As the man was lying defenceless on the ground, the women proceeded to pull off his trousers and underwear and molest him sexually before fleeing the scene.

According to police, the 50-year-old was not otherwise beaten or physically assaulted by the gang of five girls. The victim told police that the girl who actually pulled down the bicycle was about 175 centimetres (5 feet, 7 inches) tall and had tattoos on her forearms.

Authorities are hoping that tips from the public can help them apprehend the suspects responsible for the bizarre attack. "It's downright unusual for five girls [to do something like this]. Perhaps there are others who've had the same thing happen to them," Haaster told Aftonbladet.


Let Me Tell You What Melba Toast is Packin...

I want a car with all of that good stuff under the hood. badass.

And Because its Summertime...

PETA Sends Topless Woman Dressed like Dead Fish

Seattle, Washington - PETA, Public protests took to Seattle streets Saturday afternoon to demonstrate at a Veterinary Medical Association Conference.

During the VMAC's convention, fish flipping 'Fishmongers' from Seattle's famous Pike Place Market invaded the convention and performed their renown practice of tossing dead fish back and forth as they do during the hustle and bustle of fish market exchange.

PETA fish-eyed the opportunity to protest by dressing as topless dead fish and then laying on the walkway outside the convention. They were demonstrating against the abusive way the fishmongers were handling dead fish.

All I can guess is the place must have smelt terrible due to all the dead fish, I hope the woman didn't add to the stench. We've all experianced "dead fish".


Grab the Bull by the Horns

Pamplona, Spain. A man was gored to death by a bull at Pamplona's running of the bulls last Friday, marking the event's first fatality in 14 years. A man identified as 'Mr. Romero' was fatally injured by a 1,130 pound brown bull named Cappuccino. The man was killed almost instantly after the bull punctured the man's neck.

"He suffered mortal injuries, so there was nothing we could do to save his life," said Esther Vila, the surgeon who operated on Romero. "He had lost a great deal of blood." Authorities say three other people were gored and six more received non-life threatening injuries. The last fatal goring to occur at the festival occurred in 1995 when a bull claimed the life of 22-year-old American, Matthew Tassio.

Friday's run, the fourth of this year's San Fernin festival, brought the event's death toll to 15 since records began in 1911. The event was described as the bloodiest run in decades.



Two Mexican Midget Wrestlers Killed by Fake Prostitutes

MEXICO CITY — Mexican authorities say two professional wrestlers found dead in a low-rent hotel in the capital may have been drugged to death by female robbers.
Autopsies are being performed on the two midget wrestlers, one of whom went by the name "La Parkita" — or "Little Death" — and wore a skeleton costume in the ring. The other was known as "Espectrito Jr." Authorities say two women were seen leaving the men's hotel room before the bodies were discovered. Prosecutor Miguel Angel Mancera said Wednesday that gangs of female robbers are experienced at using drugs to knock men out and rob them, but they may have used too strong a dose. That may have been because of the wrestlers' small stature, although larger men have also died in similar crimes.

So I was trying to find a picture of these midget wrestlers but came across this first.

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