
Having a rough week? Is the shitty wet weather putting a damper on your summer? Well good ol' uncle draculaballs may have a little something to brighten things up. Enjoy some of these refreshing videos.

#1 get a load of crispin glover aka george mcfly. something not quite right with him. maybe too much acid. not too sure, perhaps you can figure it out.

#2 also starring crispin glover and once again i think there's something off.

#3 no explanation necessary

#4 this little guy is the cats pajamas. i now know where crazy legs originated.

after watching the video i wondered what they were talking about once the lady left the room. it probably went something like this:
"what a fucking bitch"
"tell me about it bra, i was just getting warmed up"
"you have some fly dance moves little man. how would you like a toke of this stank doob i got ova hea?"

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