
Google ANALytics - Shit is Poppin' Off

As can be seen in our Google ANALytics line graph...... Shit has been poppin' off on http://www.thefacemouth.com lately. 

It's not so secret anymore Larry. 

Hip Hop Friday - "Scalp" by Atmosphere

Atmospheres' new album "To All My Friends, Blood Makes the Blade Holy," is friggin' rad. Scalp is my favorite track thus far. I haven't had a lot of time to listen to the whole album, but I'm very impressed with it. Atmospheres' longevity and productivity is a rarity in rap. They've been putting out amazing hip-hop, frequently, since 1997 when they released Overcast!.


Westport 4 eva!

For those of you who don't know Paul Bedard, he lifeguards at Horseneck in the summer. I knew this fucker was a runner/tri-athalon thrill seeker, but I had no clue he was a fucking gator wrestler.

Lesson Learned: If you ever get bitten by a gator pour bleach on it.

(Click Westport 4 eva to view)

Sorry for the low-tech You Tube wouldn't let me get the link for embedding.


Randy Moss 2007 Touchdowns

I will never forget the 2007 Patriots football season. It was incredible. I figured I'd post this highlight reel of Brady to Moss touchdowns because it really was incredible how NASTY they truly were as teammates. It's too bad we traded the guy. But in all seriousness, in Bill we trust.

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