
It's Fifty

50 Cent has lost a shocking amount of weight for his upcoming movie 'Things Fall Apart,' in which he plays a cancer-ridden football player.

According to ThisIs50.com, he dropped from 214 pounds to 160 over the course of just nine weeks with a liquid diet and working out three hours a day.

50 is co-producing the film with Randall Emmett, his partner in Cheetah Vision Films.

My boy looks like he's been smoking crack!

Hip Hop Friday - Nas & Damian Marley , Nah Mean

Hot Heat

Hip Hop Friday - "City of Gold," by Bobby Creekwater


Jarrod Wyatt - Bad Trip, Bad Hair Cut Too

Crescent City, California - Jarrod Wyatt, a 26-year-old California man has pleaded not guilty to murder charges in which he allegedly gouged out his friend's heart and eyeballs.

According to prosecutors, deputies were called after a witness reportedly saw Wyatt in his living room, standing naked over his friend's lifeless body. The witness told authorities Wyatt had been acting strangely earlier in the day after drinking "some kind of mushroom tea." The witness ran for a payphone to call police after Wyatt informed him he was about to cut his friend's heart out.

Investigators say a deputy arrived at the residence to find the victim on a couch. Most of the man's face was missing including an eyeball that was found in the middle of the living room. Many of the man's body parts had been removed - including the heart, which had been gouged out through an incision in his chest.

Medical examiners said the man's cause of death was a result of having his heart removed while he was still alive - causing him to bleed to death. In addition to murder, Wyatt is accused of torture because medical examiners believe the victim was conscious and aware during phases of his dismemberment.

Wyatt, who trained as a mixed martial arts cage fighter, was arraigned in March on charges of murder, aggravated mayhem and torture. He didn't enter a plea on his initial court appearance because he appeared to still be under the effects of psychedelic mushrooms at the time.

How messed up is this story, holy shit.




Timo the Sizzling Sauna Soldier

These bastards are crazy. Timo is the man and a true soldier of the sauna. I wonder...what happens to your package after 12 minutes in a 261 degree inferno?

He felt his upper lip in horror. He ran to the mirror. The tops of his ears were split open and bubbling. Under his arms and on his back were bright purple patches. His forehead was painted bright red and blistering in front of his eyes. "Man, I'm burning up. Even my tongue is burned." His wife begged him to quit, but he refused. Said he had trained too hard. She shook her head....

"He lifted up his shirt and there it was: this horrible, huge, pus-filled sac -- the size of a $3 pancake -- just hanging off his armpit. His wife gasped. TLC turned away in horror. When we dragged him to first aid the guy said, "You must go to the hospital. When these blisters break, you will lose lots of fluid and be highly susceptible to infection. We can't do anything for you here. It is too serious."


DJ Slappy


So here is the new way to get wrecked. I guess it hits you fast as hell and you get wasted just from a little bit. All I know is that shit must burn on your eyeball. I recommend reading the article by clicking on the title of this post. Because of recent internet limitations at work (dam barracuda) I cannot post pictures and a bunch of other things, it sucks.


Minivan rap video

Solid marketing, Toyota


Listen in the Missionary Position - "Shut it down" by Drake featuring The-Dream

Dr. story...

As a new, young MD doing his residency in OB.
I was quite embarrassed when performing female
pelvic exams... To cover my embarrassment
I had unconsciously formed a habit of whistling softly.

The middle-aged lady upon whom I was performing this exam suddenly burst out laughing
and further embarrassing me.
I looked up from my work and sheepishly said. . .
' I'm sorry. Was I tickling you?'
She replied with tears running down
her cheeks from laughing so hard . . .

' No doctor but the song you were whistling was . . .
' I wish I was an Oscar Meyer Wiener .' '

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