
New Beige - The City of Linguica, Malasadas and Assclowns like this...

New Bedford, Massachusetts - David Rahman and Eli Smith, both 20-year-old Massachusetts men, were arrested for allegedly recording themselves beating their mentally disabled roommate then posting the video on YouTube.

According to the New Bedford police Department, Smith and Rahman were squatters in a foreclosed home, when they assaulted a 23-year-old disabled man, who lived in the same house.

Investigators say the video, which has been removed from the Internet, shows the victim being dragged into a room, where he was held on the ground and was punched, kicked, burned with a lighter and sexually assaulted. The victim also sustained lacerations that required him to get stitches under his eye.

Rahman, who reportedly recorded the incident, can be heard in the video taunting the victim and telling Smith that he was going to be famous.

Smith and Rahman are both charged with rape, kidnapping and multiple counts of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.

Ah good old NEW BEIGE... I'm pumped for the Maderia Feast!!

Can you do the THIZZLE DANCE?!

Something about this song, really makes we want to Thizzle. RIP Mac Dre.

The-Dream - Shorty is a Ten

Easily the best strip club song of all time. Something about it just makes me feel good.


New Drinking game...

Take a drink every time this dude says a word that you do not know.

say what?


what a dumb bitch

Meet Tasha Lee Cantrell. The 19-year-old Floridian was riding in a car early Monday morning when the vehicle's driver was pulled over and arrested for DUI. As a tow truck arrived to remove her friend's car, a stranded Cantrell asked Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office Deputy Mitchell Landis for a ride home to her Fort Walton Beach residence. Landis agreed, but only after checking Cantrell's purse for any contraband, according to an offense report. While chauffeuring Cantrell, Landis heard the teenager "open a can of some sort" in the back of the cruiser. "As I looked at my in car video I observed Cantrell drinking out of an unknown can." Landis stopped his car and, upon further investigation, determined that Cantrell had popped open a can of Steel Reserve, a malt liquor known for its high alcohol content. "When I opened the rear passenger door I observed Cantrell attempting to hide the can between her legs. I retrieved this can and noticed it was Steel Reserve Beer," reported Landis, who immediately arrested Cantrell for underage drinking. Instead of being shuttled to her doorstep, Cantrell, pictured in the below mug shot, was rerouted to the sheriff's office, where she was booked on the misdemeanor charge.

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