
Naughty Teachers - Looking for Experienced 13yr old?

Albuquerque, New Mexico - Kristy Sanchez-Trujillo, a 33-year-old 7th grade social studies teacher at Jimmy Carter Middle School was arrested Wednesday on charges of having a sexual relationship with a 13-year-old student.

According to police, Sanchez-Trujillo repeatedly had sex with a 13 year old boy that she described as being "more experienced than any man she's had sex with." vestigators say Sanchez-Trujillo took the teen to the movies, before things turned sexual. Sanchez-Trujillo then took the teen to the Petroglyph National Monument where the two had sexual intercourse on multiple occasions. (Is that outside?)

During questioning, Sanchez-Trujillo reportedly told detectives that the student was "more experienced than any man she's had sex with" and described him as a "25-year-old in a 13-year-old's body." The relationship between the teacher and student began to unravel when the victim's older brother spotted the pair together. (Talk about a cock block, thanks bro)

Sanchez-Trujillo, who was recently divorced with 3 children, was booked into jail on three counts of rape. She was released shortly after posting bond.

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