
We could all use a cousin Balki in our lives

He breaks it down at the 2 minute mark. I am not sure what happens on TGIF TV, but I can't imagine it being this good.

Premise of show from Wikipedia:
The series chronicles the rocky coexistence of Larry Appleton (Mark Linn-Baker) and his distant cousin Balki Bartokomous (Bronson Pinchot). A Wisconsin native, Larry, who comes from a large family with numerous brothers and sisters, has just moved into a new apartment in Chicago, and is experiencing his first joys of newfound privacy when Balki, a hitherto unknown cousin from an island in the Mediterranean called Mypos, drops by to live with him. Balki, a sheepherder by trade, interprets what little he knows about the United States by relying on his own recollections of American pop culture, which are often out-of-context ("America... Land of my dreams, home of the Whopper").

Endzone, Touchdown, Spike!

Hi, I am Tim Tebow. I won the Heisman trophy, a national championship title and am potentially on track to do it again in the 2009 season. There are also thousands of Gator-women that are tee'd up to do me at any given moment. God dealt me a good hand.


First Annual Philly Naked Bike Ride

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - 2009 has been a banner year for large groups of naked people protesting one thing or another. Now Philadelphia has hosted a naked protest bash all it's own which took place Sunday.

Although PNBR organizers claim the event's goal is to "save the planet" by promoting fuel conservation while advocating a "positive body image", many riders who came out said they simply wanted to be naked. Some participants had no idea what the cause was supposed to be, but that didn't seem to be much of a concern as they took to the street wearing little or no clothing.

Full nudity was not required for the ride, as many riders wore bikinis, shorts, spandex or underwear. Many of those who stripped down further wore body paint. Participants were, however, required to sign up in order to learn the meeting place, which was kept secret until ride time.

Nearly 1,000 participants showed up - about half the number of people event organizers were hoping for. The ride began near City Center Philadelphia and was scheduled to continue for about 90 minutes.

Other Mass Naked Protests and Events reported on in the last year:
Naked Pumpkin Run
Go Topless Day
National No Pants Subway Ride
Boobs on Bikes - New Zealand


Julian Casablancas Solo

I think it was only a matter of time before this happened. Very excited about it.

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