
KMR Golf Tournament

The 1st Annual Kyle Roy Golf Tournament was a fund raising success. Sources indicated that several accredited golfers proclaimed it as one of the most attended 1st time events they've ever seen. If the events success was based on how much fun I had, well then, it was a wild success.

Serious Kudos to Mark, Matt, Cliff, and Alex for such an awesome event, for an even better cause. Thanks girls for driving around and distracting us golfers.

To learn more about the event visit the facebook event page: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2058053&id=41502309&saved#/event.php?eid=22614655609

We'll be doing the same thing next year, so if you missed it this year, be sure to play next year.

Lastly, Team Curl It In.

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